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As consultants, we are hired as experts in our field. Our expertise may be technical, strategic, or process-oriented.  But no matter what, our clients expect us to know stuff.  Sometimes we pressure ourselves into thinking we should not ask questions because of our position as “experts”.

Books (and chapters in books) have been written about this subject: questions are a critical consulting skill.  Here are a few highlights about the importance and skill of asking questions:

  • Asking good questions makes people think you are smarter. The underlying concept is that when someone teaches you something (because you asked them), they will immediately think you’re smarter.  And you get the added benefit of inherently complimenting them.

  • Don’t ask dumb questions. You have probably heard “there are no dumb questions.” You know that’s not true.  Examples: “Why are you going to the doctor?” “Is Pam from Accounting single?” “How old are you?” Seriously…don’t.

  • Ask difficult questions. This can be awkward, and must be handled deftly. However, you are a consultant, and it is your job to call out the sacred cows, acknowledge turf wars, and find out who your allies are.

  • The Five “Whys”.  When you don’t feel like you’re getting the whole story, keep asking why. Studies show that you may regularly need to ask “Why…” at least five times to get to the “real” reason for something.

Of course, the most important part of asking questions should also be the most obvious: listen to the answers. But that’s a whole other topic.

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