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3 Tips For Reducing Jargon and Communicating Effectively

Our clients look to us for our experience, insights and help with understanding unfamiliar processes, systems and concepts. How often are you asked to explain a term or phrase? When this happens you run the risk of losing the client’s focus on the message you need to deliver.

Industry jargon, best practices and technology concepts may be common and familiar to you, but the client may be left shaking his or her head in confusion over your “consultant speak”. One of the keys to success as a consultant is communicating effectively with your client. This is not always as easy as we may think.

Here are three tips for communicating with your customer that will make you stand apart from the rest:

1. Use jargon sparingly.
Every industry has it, but business jargon is often used to impress, not to inform. If your goal is to deliver a message and help someone, try cutting out some of those over-used terms and replacing them with simpler, broadly understood words.

2. Use examples to explain.
There are times when you need to use a specific industry term or phrase (this is especially common with dealing with technology). In such cases, reinforce what you are explaining by using an example. In a group setting or workshop, customers may not ask questions about jargon they think they should understand, which gets in the way of your message. By being clear, you help them avoid embarrassment, get your message across, and show your true expertise through the explanation.

3. Simplify your language.
In short, say things in plain language. This will help you create a real human connection with your client (have you ever heard that “good communication is the basis for good relationships?”). Your expertise will shine through and your customer will recognize that you are being genuine.

Next time you talk with your customer listen to the language you use. What do you hear? You may be surprised with how often you use business jargon and industry terms.

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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.  We are celebrating our 10th year of success and look forward to growing and learning with you.

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