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If you’ve been using the OpenAir system prior to November 22, 2008, then you may still be using the older User Interface with the Account module and the Company-Settings complete settings form. For those of you who have switched to the new User Interface since that time, you may be finding it challenging at times to locate the desired check box or settings because you were so used to the old single (long!) page of configuration options.

There is a solution to meet both the complete settings form view and still keep the new User Interface in place. The switch is called ‘Enable the “All Advanced Settings“.  Hint: (shows Account > Company > Settings in new Admin UI)’ and can be set by OpenAir support. What it allows you to see is the complete list of settings on a single form instead of viewing in each Application Settings module and partitioned into sections on the Global Settings tabs under the Administration module (new user interface replace of Account).

Once you’ve had OpenAir support enable the switch, you will see the following in the tips area of the Administration module > Global Settings tab


What will appear is the comprehensive form under the Administration module > Global Settings tab that shows the legacy format of all settings in one place.

OpenAir Global Settings Tab


To return to your Administration Global Settings partitioned view, simply click on the Global settings tab. You will be able to access the full settings form at any time when in the Administration Global Settings area of the system.

Now you have the best of both worlds!

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