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TOP Step Consulting selected to the Silicon Reviews 50 Best Companies to Watch list.


50 Best Companies to Watch

TOP Step Consulting, a leading provider of operations efficiency and productivity consulting to national and global Professional Services organizations, has been selected to the 2017 50 Best Companies to Watch by Silicon Review magazine. TOP Step Consulting is recognized for their Professional Services Automation (PSA) work that enables and empowers professional services organizations to be profitable, scalable, and efficient through professional services automation, process enhancement, change management, and skill set training.

The Silicon Review reports timely news on nine different technology communities: Software, IT Services, Cloud, Mobile, Big Data, Security, and Telecommunications. The “50 Best Companies to Watch” issue showcases 50 dynamic companies that are subject matter experts in one or more of the communities it covers.

“The Silicon Review 50 Best Companies to Watch list identifies the most dynamic companies that have made significant contributions in the field of Business and Technology and is designed to showcase companies that provide the most leading and groundbreaking effective technologies,” said Manish Pandey, Editor-in-Chief of The Silicon Review Magazine.

“It is an honor to be recognized by Silicon Review as a top company to watch in 2017. Over the last ten years we’ve been able to focus our efforts on helping professional services organizations in the area of our expertise; PS automation and efficiency,” says Jodi Cicci, President and CEO, TOP Step Consulting. “Recognition like being on the 50 Best Companies to Watch list affirms our commitment to helping our customers realize profitability and productivity.”

TOP Step Consulting continues to innovate and this year launched the PSA Extension Marketplace, a collection of pre-built, tested and ready to install PSA extension builds upon the great features of your PSA system with additional functionality to improve your PS operation productivity and process compliance.

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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.  We are celebrating our 10th year of success and look forward to growing and learning with you.

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