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Find My PS iStaff

In this session you will learn: How to manage your onsite and remote team more efficiently How your remote team works differently than you How to best leverage tools and mobile features How best to engage and communicate with employees Our live webinars are now 30 minutes to more easily ...

Forecasting and Managing Growth in a Professional Services Organization

In this recorded webinar we discuss the pros and cons of forecasting approaches for managing growth in PS.

How To Do Metrics Reporting in OpenAir

Metrics are proven to be an effective way to evaluate your performance. In this webinar you will learn more about how to use OpenAir for evaluating and tracking your performance. We will discuss and demonstrate ways to create, track and represent metrics in OpenAir. Our live webinars are now 30 ...

Under the Hood: PS Operations At A Glance Today

We often get caught up in in the day to day operational details of our services organizations, and it is difficult to see the forest for the trees. Join us in this webinar where we will discuss your PS operations at a glance and how to set up your PS ...

The Top 5 OpenAir Features and Why You Should Be Using Them

Join us to learn about our Top 5 OpenAir Features you should know about and why you should be using them. Some of these may surprise you! We will discuss and demonstrate our top five so you can put them to use in your own organization. Our live webinars are ...

Why PSA?

You want your services organization to be the best it can. During this webinar we will discuss the role professional services automation (PSA) plays in becoming the best of the best as a services organization. Our live webinars are now 30 minutes to more easily fit into your busy schedule. ...

OpenAir Expert Webinar Series: PS Reporting Metrics

Metrics are proven to be an effective way to evaluate your performance. However metrics can be just another distraction unless there is a clear association for how they will help you achieve your goals and objectives. In this webinar you will learn more about: What metrics should be captured to ...

OpenAir Expert Webinar Series: Subcontractor Handling

In this session you will learn more about: Cost tracking options within OpenAir (Pros and Cons) How to handle a mixture of approaches for costing How to handle impact on resource management Valuable metrics to aid in staffing decisions for subcontractor needs

OpenAir Expert Webinar Series: Skill Database – Tracking Skill Sets, Product Knowledge, Industry Knowledge

In this recorded webinar you will learn more about using skill profiles in OpenAir including: Creating and managing skill profiles Incorporating skill profiles into your resource management process Other uses for skill profile elements Best practice tips

OpenAir Expert Webinar Series: Scripting for OA

In this webinar you will learn more about: Controlling form behavior with Form Permissions Advances in Form Permissions logic How Scripting can be incorporated to extend system validation logic and data processing Determining when to use Scripting, Form Permissions, and more
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p:  703-957-8370

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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.  We are celebrating our 10th year of success and look forward to growing and learning with you.

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