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How form defaults helped me better introduce and manage processes

One of the common challenges we see with bad project data is when fields are overlooked in the project creation process. Using form default values can make it easier to set up projects and avoid errors in the process.

To create form default values, you first need to create a new project. At the bottom of the new project form, in the tips section is a link called “Set form default values.” Only Administrators will have access to this feature. Note that you will not see this link when editing existing projects.

Form default values can be set for all users, or for specific roles. If you have a default value set for a role, users with that role will see those values. If not set by role, the default value for ‘All’ will be used.

The default values are the same whether you create a “New…” project or create “New… from another project.” However, if you select “New… from another project” you will have the ability to select default values for which project to duplicate and the items to be duplicated.

Typical Areas to Consider:

  • Approvers/Approval processes on the forms
  • Notifications on the project form
  • Role-based differences for field control, in addition to form permissions settings
  • Custom checkbox fields to override field default
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