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Did you know you could exclude items in an OpenAir report rather than just include them?

How many times have you found yourself maintaining a report day after day or week after week because new resources have been added to the system or new customers or other items and they need to be included?  In the November 2010 release of OpenAir, an exclude option was introduced for report use in Summary base reports.  This saves a lot of time for those reports that require update to add items when setting up an exclude filter would make the report require less maintenance.

The Exclude Filter on Reports feature must be activated by OpenAir Support. Submit a support ticket using your OpenAir system’s Support link and ask for the following internal switch to be activated: ‘enable the ability to exclude values in filters’

Use the exclude filter, select any Filter field in a summary or detail report and the option to include or exclude values will appear. Include will be the default option and set on all your existing reports.

Modify any appropriate reports to exclude values instead of include to reduce administration/maintenance of standard reports in your organization.

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