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Did you know that you can create custom time ranges for reporting purposes?

Not everyone follows a standard calendar for annual and monthly reports. OpenAir allows you to define your company’s calendar so no matter when the start of the year begins or the number of weeks in a month, your reports can reflect your business terminology and time-frames. You can also setup custom time ranges for specific quarterly views, forecast vs. actual, year-to-date but detailed month weeks, and so forth. Let your imagination and your reporting needs lead the way!

To setup a custom time range:

1.  Navigate to the Administration module and the Global Settings tab (note: you may require special permission from your administrator to access this feature)






2.  Click on the Custom Time Ranges option under the Reporting section






3.  Select the New menu to create a custom time range.






4.  The custom time range form should be completed as follows:

  • Define a name that describes the time range – this name will be available on the time period drop down of the summary report definition form.
  • For each period contained in the time range, give the period a name along with a start date. The period will end the day before the next period is define.
  • The last entry should be ‘end’ to set a date that will end the last period defined in the list.












5.  Save the form

6.  To use the custom time range, select it as the time period when defining a summary report.  The # of periods is directly related to the periods setup in the custom time range.


Here is an example of a custom time range:

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