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‘Martial’ Consulting

I once had the opportunity to spar (that is, "practice fight") with a world-renowned master, champion martial artist.  I had 7 years of martial arts ...
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Do The Easy Stuff Perfectly

Every company or work group has one or two superstars who can get away with ignoring administrative duties and breaking rules. These folks are so ...
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Importance Of Confidentiality

Wherever consultants gather...airports, hotels, Starbucks...we often find ourselves sharing detailed, unfiltered stories about our jobs. This is natural human behavior. It's also a really bad ...
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Delivering “Bad News”

Bad news is only bad news when it is too late A consultant friend called not long ago to tell me her client was several ...
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Balancing Multiple Priorities

One of the biggest challenges for every professional is how to know whether you are working on the things that matter most. It's easy to ...
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Manage Expectations!

If you do nothing else in consulting, manage expectations well. If you're naturally a people-pleaser (most people in this business are), you'll want to tell ...
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Making (Worthwhile) Recommendations at the Right Time

June 2013 Inside Tech Services Written by:  Jodi Cicci   “I realize how valuable it is to have someone make a solid recommendation based on ...
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Cleaning Up Your Project Booking Grid

For long term projects that involve several resources over time, the project booking worksheet (also called Project booking grid) can get cluttered with too many ...
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Limiting Expense Items by Project in OpenAir

Many companies have many expense items defined, but in practice certain types should only be used for internal activities. In other cases, companies will define ...
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Preventing Expenses From Being Entered Against Certain Projects

Have you ever found expenses entered against a project that should never have had them? If you have, you might have wished you could disable ...
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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.  We are celebrating our 10th year of success and look forward to growing and learning with you.

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