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Create Custom Time Ranges For Reporting

Did you know that you can create custom time ranges for reporting purposes? Not everyone follows a standard calendar for annual and monthly reports. OpenAir ...
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Preserving Color Coding of OpenAir Reports in PDF Downloads

Did you know you could preserve color coding of OpenAir reports in PDF downloads? This is a check-box in the Reports module – Options tab. ...
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Email OpenAir Reports to non-OpenAir Users

Did you know you can schedule OpenAir reports to be emailed to contacts that are not OpenAir Users? To schedule the delivery of OpenAir reports ...
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Big or Small – There is Work For Us All

PS Villiage - October 28, 2009 Written by:  Jodi Cicci Professional Services Consulting companies come in all different sizes:  small, medium, large, and enormous.  Unlike ...
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Cultivating a Project Manager

PS Villiage:  June 3, 2009 By Jodi Cicci I’m not sure anyone ever said ‘when I grow-up, I want to be a project manager’.  It’s ...
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The Importance of Community and Communication

PS Village:  February 18, 2009 By Jodi Cicci What is the most effective way to communicate with your team and your organization?  Probably one of ...
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Integration is More Than Just Connecting the Dots

PS Village - November 6, 2008 Are you considering connecting your systems to remove that double data entry overhead?  Where do you start? The most ...
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Catch 22’s with Technology vs. Business Processes

PS Village: August 21, 2008 By Jodi Cicci In working with many companies regarding process definition and efficient operational tool usage, I’ve come across a ...
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Professional Services and Sales

PS Village: May 7, 2008 The Importance of Teamwork Within the Company and in the Marketplace Throughout my career I’ve been on the technical side ...
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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.  We are celebrating our 10th year of success and look forward to growing and learning with you.

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