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Redefining Fields by Filters in OpenAir

Last week’s tip talked about the powerful filtering capability within calculated fields that can help you define and redefine values for your OpenAir reporting needs.  ...
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Increasing your odds of change adoption

Change is never easy, especially to those everyday processes and actions that become patterns or habits in your life.  If someone moved the silverware drawer ...
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Customizing Utilization Values in OpenAir Reports

Did you know you can use filters and constants in custom calculations for creating utilization metrics? A common report request is to have a utilization ...
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Have Clients, Will Travel!

Hello from England!  This week I’m visiting a few of my wonderful clients in London, England, which got me thinking about travel time policies.  Having ...
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Skill Set and Resource Location Matches Leveraging User Entity Tags

Last week we introduced User Entity Tags as a general approach for providing a date indexed field upon which reporting would depend. Items such as ...
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You’ve got a revenue plan – but do you have the capacity to deliver on it?

I’ve been fortunate (or unfortunate, depending on your viewpoint on such matters) to be included as a reviewer on budget planning activities with various companies. ...
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Tracking Historical Field Values for OpenAir Reporting

You may find yourself wishing you could have certain fields or values tracked as changes over time. OpenAir’s audit trail capability is quite robust in ...
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Paid Time Off policies – What works best for your organization?

Summer is coming and this means many of your employees are planning their family vacations.  It’s also allergy season here in the Virginia area which ...
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Self-Unlock OpenAir Feature for End User Logins

Did you know you can set up self service security controls that will allow users to unlock themselves? Are your password controls a bit complicated? ...
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Restricting OpenAir Time Types by Project or Task

For those of you who use time types to track billable/non-billable work or overtime/shift work, ever run into the problem of a consultant selecting the ...
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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.  We are celebrating our 10th year of success and look forward to growing and learning with you.

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