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Task Grid/Worksheet Customizations per User

If you use tasks on your projects, you most likely also use the Task Grid or Worksheet option to quickly create or update multiple tasks ...
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Signs you are a Workaholic

This article should really be titled ‘it takes one to know one’.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a full plate ...
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Ramping Up New Resources

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last blog, did anyone miss me?  The main problem was workload, as you could have guessed, but ...
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View the full OpenAir settings form again in its entirety!

If you’ve been using the OpenAir system prior to November 22, 2008, then you may still be using the older User Interface with the Account ...
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Dashboarding Rows vs. Columns in OpenAir

Ever use trial and error to see how you can display your OpenAir report in Dashboard form? Here’s a tip that can help you get ...
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Are you more productive in the office or at home?

For many years I worked in an office environment.  Driving into the office each day, you have to make the decision of fighting traffic or ...
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Getting Creative on Viewing the OpenAir Booking Chart!

Last week we provided a tip on how to leverage dynamically updating your time period on the booking chart. This week we’re expanding on that ...
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The Joys of Quarter End – Reality vs. Plan

For many of us, this month (June) marks the end of the second quarter and provides a good look at how your company is doing ...
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Take Control of the OpenAir Booking Chart!

The booking chart in OpenAir has gone through many enhancements making it a more robust tool for visually checking your resource workloads and availability. Since ...
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How many Average Bill Rates do you track?

Average bill rate is one of the key metrics to managing your services organization.  With this metric, you can plan out revenue and staffing needs, ...
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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.  We are celebrating our 10th year of success and look forward to growing and learning with you.

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