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What Does Adjust Time Entries to Fit Under the Cap Mean?

The use of time billing rules on project is fairly common among OpenAir users to convert time spent on a project into billable money amounts ...
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Customizing Your OpenAir Email Content

There are plenty of notification and alert options in OpenAir with most having either standard wording (timesheet awaiting approval, for example) or the ability to ...
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Viewing Leave Balances at the Same Time as Reviewing Vacation Requests

'Tis the season for people to schedule vacation, if they haven’t already, and focus on their leave balances as they try to use up vacation ...
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Work Schedule Reporting with Holidays

As you work with reports, you may have noticed some fields that seems to mean the same thing but have slightly different names.  One of ...
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Travel Time Policies Around the World

I’ve been traveling quite a bit lately for both customer and company promotion activities. You may not think this is odd, but TOP Step is ...
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Alerting PMs to Team Members Taking Vacation

As a Project Manager, it is helpful to know when resources working on your project are asking to take time-off or vacation. OpenAir provides this ...
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Correcting Approved Timesheets

Ever find yourself needing to make a correction to an approved timesheet but part of the timesheet has already been approved? There is a way ...
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Is a completely remote services engagement feasible?

Working in a virtual company, communication is very important to keep everyone on track, engaged in the business, and aware of tips and tricks of ...
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Individual Project Forecasting Refresh

If you are doing forecasting in OpenAir, you are most likely using charge projections and setting them to run or recalculate each night. Your System ...
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Unapproving Timesheets

The timesheet review/approval workflow process within OpenAir allows a timesheet to track status of open, submitted, approved, etc. There are occasions where you find yourself ...
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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.  We are celebrating our 10th year of success and look forward to growing and learning with you.

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