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Are your expense item billing rules being capped accurately in OpenAir?

If you are adding caps to your expense item billing rules, chances are the cap isn’t being applied quite the way you expect. Normally, the system will apply the cap to the nearest hundredth, but it is based on quantity – not money.

For example, if an expense billing rule is capped at $500, and $300 has already been billed, the amount available before the cap is reached is $200.

If a receipt for $251 is processed by the billing rule next, the rule will cap it to the nearest 100th of $251, which is $200.80. In this case, the cap will actually be exceeded by $0.80. It may be a small amount, but is it worth the risk of potentially delaying invoice payment?

Instead, there is an option you can enable that will apply the cap based on price instead of quantity. This way, the cap will always be met exactly.

To enable this feature, just request the internal switch “Adjust price instead of quantity to meet expense caps in billing rules” and you’ll never have to wonder again!

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