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So you have another teleconference or videoconference to join remotely. It’s probably not the first one of the day or the last one of the day. Teleconferences and videoconferences are a big part of the world of virtual consulting. When you join conference calls, there is one main objective you should be clear on – why are you involved? Let’s take a look at the various roles and objectives:

  1. If you are the organizer, you should be setting a clear objective of the meeting, define an agenda, and ensure each person understands ‘why they are involved’.
  2. If you are the facilitator, you should coordinate with the organizer on the agenda. Be prepared to direct the conversation to reach the objective of the meeting and understand ‘why they are involved’ to ensure each person attending meets their objective for participating.
  3. If you are an attendee, you should understand the agenda and objective and be prepared to contribute and fulfill ‘why are you involved’.

Think about the meetings you had today. Did you accomplish your objectives and fulfill your role? A virtual consultant has an impact on the business such as the outcome of projects, reaching decisions, and making progress on actions. An invisible consultant is someone who joins, listens and hangs up. No influence. No impact. No participation. No consulting.

Wait, aren’t there times when you need to be the invisible consultant? I say no. Here are some arguments:

ARGUMENT 1: You need to be kept informed of the discussion, decisions, and actions from the meeting.
ANSWER: Meeting minutes or a meeting recap email will satisfy this requirement. Keep it simple and emphasize recap. No need to be an invisible consultant.

ARGUMENT 2: You need to be involved to ensure the discussion is accurate.
ANSWER: You should be an active participant – if only to agree with the direction of the conversation. This ensures you are engaged in the meeting.

ARGUMENT 3: You need to make sure no new topics or issues come up that may have an impact on the business or project.
ANSWER: The organizer and/or facilitator’s role is to ensure the meeting achieves the objective. Set meeting rules on how to capture new topics or parking lot items as part of the meeting minutes with a follow-up process. No need to be an invisible consultant.

You have a role in every meeting. If you don’t have a role, then question why you are invited.

One of the best videos I’ve ever seen is the ‘A Conference Call in Real Life’ on YouTube produced by Tripp & Tyler. It demonstrates many of the topics highlighted here. See if you can figure out Dave’s role.

Learn more about improving consulting skills here.

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