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An independent research firm named TOP Step Consulting in the elite top 10 group of Best-of-the-Best Professional Services organizations

South Riding, VA – March 15, 2013

TOP Step Consulting, the leading provider of professional services business operations efficiency solutions, has been recognized as one of the top providers of professional services worldwide, in a benchmark survey conducted by independent research firm Service Performance Insight (SPI).

In its 2013 Professional Service Maturity™ Benchmark report, SPI Research published findings based on an analysis of 234 participating service organizations. Of those TOP Step Consulting ranked in the top 5% by significantly outperforming the benchmark average in five service performance dimensions: Leadership, Client Relationships, Human Capital Alignment, Service Execution and Finance and Operations.

TOP Step Consulting President and CEO Jodi Cicci says “This benchmark report provides a great value to professional services organizations in the technology sector who are looking to understand what their peers are doing and how to improve. The information provided in the report is audited by SPI research and supported by major industry players such as Microsoft, SAP, and NetSuite.”

“We are thrilled to be recognized as a top performer again in the 2013 report”, says Cicci. “We have a simple philosophy focused on delivering exceptional service. Our customers are other professional services organizations who are looking to improve their business efficiency and profitability, so it is vital that we are seen as an expert and leader in our field. The benchmarking process and report findings validate what we are doing right and help us identify areas of improvement.”

The Top 10 firms outperformed their peers and the benchmark average with significantly higher profit, year over year revenue growth, more satisfied clients, and more projects delivered on time.

Best-of-the-Best PSO Comparison

Measurement Top 10 Firms All Others Average Advantage
EBITDA 27.4% 15.4% 78%
Average project margin 47.4% 35% 83%
Annual revenue growth 18.7% 11.1% 68%
Annual revenue per employee $208K $166K 26%
Reference clients 83.8% 74.9% 12%
Projects delivered on-time 83.1% 78.3% 6%

For the past four years, Service Performance Insight has conducted in-depth analysis of the top 5% of PS Maturity benchmark participants to uncover the reasons for their superlative performance. Each year, the top 5% have been named the “Best-of-the-Best” based on superior PS Maturity™ benchmark scores.

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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.  We are celebrating our 10th year of success and look forward to growing and learning with you.

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