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Tracking the cost of subcontractors can be quite tedious if you are using approaches like expense reports or timesheets as they require the subcontractor or someone logging in as the subcontractor (proxy) to enter expense and timesheet data.  Another option you might want to consider is using the Purchases module and the Quick PO functionality.  Quick POs are a single form, non-proxy approach to quickly recording the cost of a subcontractor as issued on a vendor invoice.  The Quick PO form, similar to many forms in OpenAir, allows customization to add/remove/modify the form fields to capture exactly what you need for accurate reporting and margin management of projects.

If you do not have the Purchases module accessible, contact your NetSuite OpenAir Account Manager for more information.  If you have the Purchases module, the Quick PO functionality can be enabled under Administration -> Application Settings -> Purchases -> Other Settings -> ’enable the ability to create quick po transactions.’

Once enabled, you now have the freedom to customize a quick po form for streamlined information capture, accurate vendor information, and all without requiring a proxy into another account.  Simply access the New Quick PO Item option from the Purchases -> PO menu and complete the form.  The cost is recorded against the project immediately upon Save of the form.


An example form that’s been customized is shown below:

New purchase item

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