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This article should really be titled ‘it takes one to know one’.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a full plate of work.  It could be planning out errands over the weekend, workload at a job, volunteer activities juggled with college homework, etc.  Never a dull moment.   How did I get this way?  I’m accomplishment driven, always pushing myself to see what else I can achieve.  Can I walk 60 miles in 3 days?  Yep, did that twice now with the Susan G. Komen 3-day.  Can I be an entrepreneur?  Yep, started TOP Step Consulting, LLC back in 2007 and never looked back.  Can I raise a family?  Yep, but I have to admit this is where I came face to face with my workaholic-ism. 

How many articles have you read about workaholics and work/life balance?  I’d like to say I’ve read them all but truth be told I’ve only read a couple because I’m too busy working!  And the articles are from folks that have learned a hard lesson because something drastic happened – could be health related, could be job related, could be family related.  The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem but I’m the last person to tell you what the next step is because I certainly am a workaholic.  I love working and am lucky enough to have supportive family and friends that understands that about me.  I’ve earned a reputation of ‘the girl who never sleeps’ although that isn’t exactly true.  I do sneak in2-3 hours at least each night!    

Blogs are suppose to be about topics you have experience and knowledge in – so here are my top 7 ways to recognize you’re a workaholic so you can admit it to your family and friends.

a)      Do you schedule vacation so you are forced to be unplugged from the world?     For the past couple of years I’ve learned that in order to actually take a vacation from work, I need to go on a cruise which makes it very difficult to get onto the internet without spending large amounts of money!  And my phone doesn’t work except in port.

b)      Do you wake up before the crack of dawn to check email and hold meetings?  Is the last thing you do at night check email before you finally close your eyes to go to sleep?  As my workload increases, I’ve learned to adjust my schedule to workaround time zones, family commitments (i.e. dinner) and a bit of personal time.

c)       Do your friends and family give you work related gifts?  I am lucky that I’ve got a support network but they also realize that work is important to me.  I receive gifts for travel accessories, company logo items, saying plaques of encouragement, and so forth that allow me to travel more comfortably, take pride in my company, and remember who and what I am.

d)      Have you completely fallen off the exercise bandwagon?  This is an unfortunate one.  For the longest time I would force a 30 minute exercise window into my day.  Then a meeting or two slipped into the timeslot and before you know it I was almost never exercising other walking the stairs to get another cup of coffee or walking to/from the parking garage at the airport. 

e)      Have you scheduled meeting during a family movie night or dinner?  During one summer vacation, we toured southern California and I’ll never forget how I held my husband and son up at a restaurant waiting for me while I finished a client conference call that I deemed important.  Still gets brought up to this day!

f)       Does your family know where cool stores are at major airports?  I do travel a lot and my son is well aware now of stores at major airports such as the Crocs store in Denver so I can pick up some fun jibbetts for his shoes, duty-free at international airports for the Kinder chocolate eggs with toys inside, and stuffed animals at the Phoenix airport terminal 2.

g)      Is your most common phrase ‘yes, I got some work to get done’ no matter what day of the week it is?

So what about being a workaholic would I change?   Being able to unplug on my own without guilt and know things will still be there tomorrow is one thing.   Another is limiting the impact it has on my family.  My son already identifies computer labs as ‘the place where mommy can do her work’.  I do work hard to make sure I’m home for important dates and events.  That’s a step in the right direction, isn’t it?  I’m just sayin’.

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