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SuiteWorld was once again a great event this year. It’s always a thrill to put faces to names as we get to see our customers, partners, and colleagues at this annual event!

Booth SW17

It was a packed week of learning, networking, and sharing information. Here are some of the highlights and observations from the conference.

More Options for Integration

Integration technology vendors are coming out with connections to NetSuite OpenAir.  Dell Boomi, who has had connectors with NetSuite OpenAir for a while, is now joined by Jitterbit and Celigo for more integration options.


NetSuite OpenAir Product Roadmap

The NetSuite OpenAir product management team are continuing to develop a roadmap of features to enhance and expand OpenAir including:

  • More flexible database access for use with Business Intelligence tools (Report Connector)
  • KPI reporting and dashboards
  • More Resource scheduling enhancements including ‘find the expert’ skill searches and resource performance measures and skill trends
  • Great enhancements to support improved user experience with single page layout, improved menus and toolbars – giving quicker access to features and information you need.
  • Improved user administration to allow sharing of key filters and more
  • Help center adaptive to your implementation / tailored to your environment. Example: what switches you have enabled and your terminology overrides giving you more personalized help relevant to your configuration.

We are looking forward to seeing these exciting new features and more in the upcoming releases!

Presentation Highlights

Enabling User Adoption

Presented by Dustin Neal of Cylance and Ryan Olshan of NetSuite. This was a great refresher and reminder about the importance of not forgetting the end-user. Dustin reminded us all that OpenAir system changes are best adopted using a phased approach supported by designating a group of super users to assist in change management. Slow and steady wins the race in user adoption!

Efficient Maintenance of Your OpenAir Deployment

Presented by Sam Van Rens of Software AG. Sam gave a powerful presentation where she shared her journey and tips for how she did “spring cleaning” of their OpenAir data and the ongoing process for upkeep of their system. Learning from other users is a message we all can benefit from!

Finding the Money!

Presented by Kathryn Silva of Strata Information Group, Tim Groves of NetSuite OpenAir and Jodi Cicci of TOP Step. They shared the OpenAir integration solution that made tracking and reconciliation of both reported and un-reported expenses possible. Jodi geeked out about the Integration Manager and OpenAir configuration while and Kathryn pointed out the accounting behind-the-scenes requirements that made this integration a real necessity!

Jodi Cicci presentationExpand Functionality From Within

Presented by Jodi Cicci of TOP Step. We had great participation and interaction at our OpenAir Scripting presentation which supported the newly launched TOP Step Consulting Extension Marketplace – check it out weekly (or even daily!) to see what we’re cooking up to help your business!

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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.  We are celebrating our 10th year of success and look forward to growing and learning with you.

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