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Today, TOP Step Consulting announced the availability of their PSA Extension Marketplace. The marketplace gives PSA system owners an easy way to add new functionality to their existing PSA system aimed at increasing productivity and process compliance. The first extensions released this week as a part of their official launch are focused on the NetSuite OpenAir system using the power of OpenAir scripts, a powerful Java scripting feature, which allows customization of existing features and introduction of new behavior and functionality to support business processes.

“The Extension Marketplace is the result of ten years of working with our customers, building on our in-depth knowledge of PSA tools, and growing our seasoned team who understand professional services business process. Our PSA Extensions perform very specific actions that give big productivity improvements”, states Jodi Cicci, TOP Step Consulting President and CEO. “We are excited to be announcing the Extension Marketplace during SuiteWorld17, NetSuite’s business technology conference, because we know OpenAir customers are looking to learn and find ways to improve their use of their OpenAir system.”

Each TOP Step Extension comes with ‘done for you services’. A TOP Step Consulting expert receives the requested extension and validates it fits the needs of the customer. Once this crucial step is completed, TOP Step will install, configure, and provide knowledge transfer of the purchased extension. Customers benefit from fast implementation, typically less than two weeks, and change management advice to ensure they receive the value of the extension in their PSA system.

See how it works:


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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.  We are celebrating our 10th year of success and look forward to growing and learning with you.

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