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Integrating NetSuite OpenAir With NetSuite ERP

Gain an end-to-end benefit of both systems through integration and remove duplication of effort in data entry.

  • Leverage the strength of each System’s intended purpose
  • Tight integration provides powerful organizational collaboration
  • Accelerate lead to cash process
  • Greater overall ROI due to efficiencies and automation
  • Improve quality and accuracy of data
  • Improve speed at which data is available
  • Visibility of data across the enterprise


What data is exchanged?

This is just a sampling of what can be done:

  • Push lead, prospect, contact, and customer information to OpenAir
  • Generate quotes and contracts using OpenAir’s project work breakdown structure, send item estimates back to the NetSuite opportunity, and close the deal
  • Use OpenAir project templates in NetSuite to pre-populate projects with commonly used tasks, billing rules, loaded costs, revenue recognition rules, auto-bill settings, and project approvers
  • Export exchange rates from NetSuite to OpenAir for multiple currencies
  • Ensure consistency and data integrity by sending items such as goods and services as well as expense categories to OpenAir as activities and expense items
  • Provide employee/user information from NetSuite and use OpenAir for project planning, resource assignment, time recording, invoices, and expense reports
  • Transfer OpenAir revenue recognition transactions and invoices to NetSuite while work is in progress in OneWorld accounts

Common questions

We also use, is there a way to easily integrate the 3 systems?
Yes, you can capture customer and project information from, pull it into OpenAir, and push it to NetSuite.

Is it possible to create a single sign-on?
Yes, once implemented, you can access your OpenAir account from within NetSuite ERP.

It sounds like there is a lot of data that can be shared between the systems, how can we ensure we are following a best practice?
Integration with NetSuite ERP sounds intimidating because of all that can be done. TOP Step has integration project experience and we know how to maneuver around problems and pitfalls. By leveraging our experience we can help you through the process more quickly and efficiently.

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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.  We are celebrating our 10th year of success and look forward to growing and learning with you.

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