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Understanding Cost Tracking Features in OpenAir

Being able to track costs is vital for any business.  OpenAir supports several cost tracking features and related functions that allow you to easily track ...
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OpenAir Techniques for Forecasting Resource Utilization and Reporting

Resource utilization is a common measure in all professional services organizations. It’s a measure of productivity and of your people as assets in delivering services. ...
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Setting Up Subcontractor Resources in OpenAir

OpenAir uses an active user licensing approach that supports a wide range of permissions and data view controls. Knowing what you need your subcontractors to ...
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How To Manage Subcontractors in OpenAir Efficiently

Subcontractors introduce complexities as users in OpenAir due to three primary reasons: They have non-standard work schedules Their cost may vary based on project and/or ...
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Four Search Features to Identify the Right Resources for Your Project in OpenAir

A big part of scheduling and bench management is identifying the right resources for your projects. In this post, we will share with you four ...
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5 Powerful Examples to Expand the Boundaries of Your OpenAir System With Scripting

OpenAir scripting has been around for many years, yet few have taken advantage of this powerful tool. It is an effective way to perform behind ...
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Strategies For Improving Resource Management In Your Professional Services Organization

Most likely, your professional services organization ultimately sells one thing and one thing only – the expertise of your consultants in billable hours. With time ...
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3 Methods for Establishing a Professional Services Revenue Forecast

Forecasting is an art as there are a lot of factors involved such as opportunity pipeline, resource availability, negotiated selling prices, and so on. Mastering ...
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Spring Into The Year With These Three Cool New NetSuite OpenAir Features

The first release of 2018 took place in your OpenAir production environment last month. Blooming up this spring are some great new features. Here are ...
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Look Before You Leap: 4 Steps For Embracing Change Management for NetSuite OpenAir

Let’s face it; things change in any organization. In some cases, it is due to improving your process and in other cases it may be ...
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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.  We are celebrating our 10th year of success and look forward to growing and learning with you.

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